What are the specific manifestations of reduced elasticity of stainless steel wire rope?
The elasticity of
Stainless Steel Wire Rope refers to the difficulty of elastic deformation under the action of external force. The stronger the elastic performance, the greater the elastic deformation stress generated by the stainless
Steel Wire Rope. During the use of stainless
Steel Wire rope, the elasticity may decrease, and the rope body will undergo certain changes, which will have a certain impact on its own formation. Specifically: 1. The diameter of the rope body of the stainless steel
Wire Rope will decrease.
2. The lay pitch of the stainless steel wire rope, that is, the straight-line distance between the starting point and the end point of the stainless steel wire inside the rope body rotating around the strand core or the strand, will be elongated.
3. Because the various parts of the stainless steel wire rope body are pressed against each other, there will be a lack of gaps between the stainless steel wires and between the strands. 4. Fine brown powder will appear in the concave part of the strand.
The possibility of wire breakage and rope body breakage of the stainless steel wire rope will be greatly increased. Although the reduction in elasticity will not immediately produce adverse consequences, due to the decrease in the bending performance of the stainless steel wire rope and the decrease in diameter, the wear between the internal stainless steel wires will be aggravated, and the possibility of wire breakage and rope body breakage of the stainless steel wire rope will be greatly increased. The possibility of wire breakage and rope body breakage will be greatly increased.